AMD Brand Refresh

Design & Art Direction

To complement the evolution of its strategic end markets and leadership product portfolio, AMD also showcased a new evolution of its brand. The new brand platform, “together we advance_” demonstrates how, together with its partners, customers, and employees, AMD is advancing innovation to create solutions to the world’s toughest challenges. The new brand campaign is the largest in AMD history and sees the AMD arrow mark becoming more prominent in all communications assets, illustrating how pervasive AMD technology is by powering large, diverse, and growing markets.

Client: AMD
Agency: TBWA\Chiat\Day\LA & Design by Disruption®
Year: 2023

CDO: Bruno Regalo
Brand Director: Mônica Gelbeke
Design Director: Thiago Matsunaga
Design Lead: Rafael Amaral
Design Assistant: Gustavo Gnatta, Victor Rosa

My role: design & art direction.

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CDO: Bruno Regalo
Brand Director: Mônica Gelbeke

Design Director: Thiago Matsunaga
Design: Rafael Amaral

My role: Design.


Rafael Amaral®

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